About Mis-sold Shares

The Founder had spent a long career in the city of London beginning in 1986 working within small cap markets, derivative trading and corporate finance. Over the years he had noticed that transparency, integrity and good old-fashioned honesty had started to give way to greed. He had noticed that there was ever increasing pressure for greater commissions and larger turnover targets, that were demanded by a number of stockbrokers within the financial sector. This undoubtedly was always at the expense of their clients.

Mis-Sold Shares was formed in 2012 to address this by giving a voice to all the victims of mis- selling by providing expert working knowledge to process cases through the FOS and FSCS and obtain redress for these victims. To date Mis-Sold Shares has recovered more than £40 Million for clients and helped thousands of people to the justice they deserve and the compensation they are legally due.

Quite simply our interests are your interests. We offer independent professional advice on a No Win No Fee* basis.

How would you know if you had been mis-sold?

Sadly, in our experience the vast majority of claimants did not know the dice was loaded against them when they bought their shares or had begun trading. Too many of our clients felt they had just been unlucky, that they knew the risks and accepted them. Many clients had been trading for decades and never knew that they were systematically being mis-sold.

We can help. Call us and we will be able to advise you if you were indeed mis-sold on a No obligation FREE of charge basis.

A Market Leader with a proven Track Record

Mis-sold shares were at the fore front of developing the technical arguments for Share, CFD and pension claims over the last 10 years. There have been many obstacles to navigate over this time, we have conducted a great deal of research into specific companies their practices and the Conduct of Business Rules, which have endured today. We believe we have been one of the most, if not the most prominent company within this field by delivering exceptional financial services redress for our clients. 

Supporting Staff 

Mis-Sold Shares is supported by a professional team of people that provide everything from efficient and friendly customer services to specialist personnel who will assess your claim and advise on the best course of action for you.

Our Fees

Redress band

Consumer redress obtained

Max % rate of charge

Max total fee*




























*Please note that our fee is subject to 20% VAT payable by you.

A worked Example

MSS make a claim for you where the claim amount is £9,500. The Redress Band is Band 2 and is calculated at 28%. The Success Fee would amount to £2,660 based on 28% of the claim value, however, because our Fees are capped at £2,500 within this Band, you will only pay the Max Total Fee of £2,500 plus VAT.


Take your next steps…


We strive to fulfil our company philosophy of “managing the client’s expectations”

Call us on 0203 002 9140

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